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时间:2024-12-16 14:51:31 来源:济宁新闻网 阅读量:16510   

Confucian culture is a fundamental part of Jining for thousands of years.


Jining, located in Shandong province, is celebrated as the birthplace of Confucius. Steeped in Confucian culture for thousands of years, it has fostered a rich cultural legacy that continues to shine brightly today.

Jining boasts abundant cultural relics, from the Confucius Temple, Mansion, and Cemetery to numerous stone tablets and portraits of the Han Dynasty , displaying the wisdom of ancestors.

The city has focused on revitalizing cultural relics, turning them into meaningful connections that bridge the past and present.

Moreover, it actively promotes the integration of culture and tourism by creating digital museums and incorporating AI-guided tours, providing visitors with immersive experiences that celebrate the essence of traditional Chinese culture.

Jining's cultural tourism, blending tradition with modern technology, breathes new life into attractions like the Confucius Temple. By meeting evolving visitor demands, Jining is upgrading its attractions and offering interactive and immersive experiences that ignite the tourism industry and spread Confucian culture worldwide.

Confucian culture transcends time and space, and the ideas of "benevolence", "courtesy system", and "harmony is precious" are deeply rooted in the hearts of Jining locals.

This has made Jining the subject of international attention, from the World Internet Conference Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization to the Nishan Forum on World Civilizations, showing the city’s cultural charm.


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